
How we saved and healed Happy.

Happy was found a MRT JianTan Station with broken leg/bones...

As he was scared that time, he tried to bite the AT people when he saw everyone trying to catch him [however, that's animal's first extinct when they are hurt.]
That time, his bones were badly broken and had skin problem,
he was sent to the vet emergently, and a long steel was installed into his leg.
This is the photo of him in AT after 2 days at the vet:

Because of his skin problem, he needs to be under the sun at all time
Cause he doesn't let people walk him with a lead,when it's sunny, AT's stuff would take his whole cage out and let him be under the sun,and take him in when it starts to rain,after a while of sun bath, his skin problem was healed :) his leg has been in operation and after 2 months' rest and going back to the vet, his recovery was too well, his bones in the legs now look bended, however, it's normal.the photo doesn't look "well" but the recovery is good and his walking skills won't be affected at all.
my leg will be bended like this~

my leg will be bended like this~

next step will be after 4 months till his bones are fully grown,
another operation will be operated and the steels could be taken off,this is his photo from a few days ago, Happy doesn't hurt anymore and seems happy.

Happy will be resting in AT, AT will try our best to find a warm and lovely home for him forever.
AT is continuing saving and adopting animals
because we don't have enough funds/ volunteers/ staff and informations, we need your support and help
doesnt matter if its money or adoption
AT will be able to help more animals, like Happy, who's been badly treated.please contact AT on 02-2833-8820 for more information.

