
Lucky DaTung ( new name: Pilott) 幸運之神眷顧大屯

Dear all,

Dear all,Pilott, an injured dog at the rescue center, was recently paid a visit by her rescuer and her entire family. They all fell in love with Pilott and decided to adopt her. At her new home, Pilott has been getting along very well with the other dog, and everything has been going great. Anne, the original rescuer, is also very happy to have her new companion.Pilott is truly lucky, and we hope that other animals will also be as fortunate. Please find attached a letter and photos from Pilott’s new family.

在大屯( 新名字: Pilott ) 受傷來到救援中心後,牠的發現者之一帶著全家人來救援中心看牠,
全家人都被大屯的熱情吸引,而決定認養牠. 大屯一到了新家,
就馬上和原來家裡的狗狗就像許久未見的朋友, 相處融洽.. 真的是很幸運.
認養人Anne 也很開心有了大屯 的陪伴

以下是大屯新媽咪的來信. (附照片)

Here are a few pictures of Pilott! Our dog was very happy to see him. Pilott takes his medicine and is eating very good. He had a good night and slept in a box.He is so cute and we are very happy!Wish you a nice sunday and see you,


