
日誌 Diaries July 26~31

26 July:

01. 今天來了一群扶輪社的志工,帶了好多狗狗出去散步喔!
01. There was a group of Rotary volunteers and they took many dogs for walk.

02. 下午四點突然下起了大雨,大家只好提前回房間了…
02. Dogs had to go back room early today due to the heavy rain at four o'clock.

27 July:

01. 志工Lucie每次來都會在貓舍待很久,很有耐心地陪貓咪們玩,連Simba都喜歡跟她玩喔!
01. Volunteer Lucie spends quite a long time in the cat house every time. She is very patient to cats; even Simba likes her a lot.

02. 今天有兩位新員工:Karen和Jenny來報到,希望大家會喜歡她們!
02. We have new staff: Karen and Jenny. Please give them the warmest welcome.

03. 有一位志工奕璇想認養貓咪,虹君向她推薦了Sheila。結果和Sheila相處之後果然覺得牠好可愛又漂亮,已經在認真考慮要帶她回家了喔
03. Volunteer 奕璇 would like to adopt a cat. Hun Jun recommended Shelia to her. 奕璇 found Sheila is really adorable and beautiful. She is thinking about taking Sheila home.

04. 今天Dani去醫院拆除後腳的鋼釘,也順便做了結紮手術。
04. Dani went to hospital to remove the nail in her hind leg and she had ligation as well.

28 July:

01. Nanook的傷已經完全好了,但是因為大部分的狗狗都不喜歡他,虹君只好把他放回原來的房間跟大家一起居住。可是Marble還是有點想要威脅他:S希望他不要再惹Marble生氣。
01. Nanook has completely recovered but most dogs don’t like him so he has to go back to the same room again. Marble is still a threat to Nanook. We hope they can get along peacefully.

31 July:

01. Lynxie今天試著回去她原本的房間,剛開始大家一個個跑來聞牠的氣味,沒一下大家就跟平常一樣了,連新朋友Juno都很開心的跟他一起玩了。
01. Lynxie went back to her old room. At first, everyone was curious and sniffed her but it didn’t take too long that they all acted as usual. Juno played with her as well.

02. 一早上不知道是誰把一隻黑色的混拉不拉多綁在我們門口,身上有輕微皮膚病,Lilian早上接到消息就來帶他去醫院結扎了,可愛的牠被我們取名叫胖弟。
02. Someone tided a mixed Labrador dog at our entrance this morning. He has slight skin disease. Lilian took him to hospital for ligation and he was named Pandy.

