
六月日誌June Diaries

  1. 「動物保母」計畫開始實施!一位很有耐心的志工李維真小姐選擇了害羞的Pickle當她的狗狗,希望Pickle可以越來越親近大家J
  2. 下巴骨折的CNR貓咪精神越來越好,一看到人就喵喵叫,而且也有按時將食物吃完、不會放到隔夜了!希望牠早日恢復健康!

  1. The Animals Sitter has already started! A patient volunteer. Ms. Lee choose Pickle to be his sitter. Hope Pickle can sooner get along with everyone!
  2. The CNR cat who has jaw fracture became healthier now. His so lovely and friendly. He finished his food on time, never leaves it the next day.


  1. 下巴骨折的CNR貓咪終於不再拉肚子了!下午Brandy帶牠和狗狗May去汐止的林醫師那裏回診。
  2. 疝氣狗狗May的腸子又掉出來,所以要再動一次手術可憐的MayL
  3. Pickle的脖子右邊腫起了一大塊,Brandy帶牠去醫院檢查,醫生說有可能是發炎或是腫瘤,先開了一個星期的消炎藥觀察狀況。
  4. 眼睛受傷的CNR貓咪狀況越來越好,眼睛模糊的部分縮小了許多,希望牠可以完全復原!
  5. 當初醫生看Stevie又老又盲已經很可憐,所以就沒有替牠結紮,可是最近牠一直想抱室友Maria,惹得Maria很生氣看來Stevie也要被結紮囉:P

  1. The chin fracture cat, Hanks diarrhea stoped .Brandy took May and him to see Doctor Lin again.
  2. May got hernia before, but didnt recover wellso she has to do the operation again. Poor May
  3. Pickles neck swelled. The doctor said it might be some irritation or tumor, he has to take medicine for a week and observe carefully.
  4. The eye injured cat Mouthy became better now! His eye is much clear. Hope he can recover soon!
  5. Stevie didnt have the neuter operation because the doctor thought he was old, blind and weak, but he tried to disturb Maria many times, so he has to say goodbye to his ball soon, haha.


  1. Pickle脖子旁邊的腫塊有稍微變小了,牠的babysitter連續三天都帶了點心來陪牠玩,真令人羨慕:P
  2. 今天虹君把害羞的Liberty放到bamboo garden,希望牠喜歡那邊的環境和新朋友!
  3. Nico換藥的時候還是好怕痛、一直哭個不停可憐的孩子L今天虹君拿了一些零食獎勵牠,希望下次能勇敢一點!

  1. Good news! Pickles tumor became smaller, his sitter brought snack and spent time with him for a long time.
  2. Hung Jung let Liberty stayed in the bamboo garden, hope he likes his new roommate.
  3. Nico still afraid of changing bandit, shouting and crying all the time. Hung Jung gave him some snacks to encourage him. Be brave, Nico


  1. 今天下了一整天的大雨狗狗們好可憐,只有匆匆出來吃飯就回去房間裡了L
  2. 用零食吸引Nico的注意力果然有效,今天換藥很順利、一下子就包紮好了!
  3. Pat睡在放雞蛋的籃子裡被虹君看到,拍了可愛的照片!

  1. Raining cats and dogs all dayDogs only went out for lunch for a short time.
  2. Snacks got Nicos attraction, the changing procedure went well and quick!
  3. Hung Jung found Pat slept in the egg box, it was so cute and she took a photo.


  1. 不同於昨天的大雨,今天出了大太陽,看來天氣也在祝福ElvisTiger的試養會成功呢。
  2. Liberty的害羞居然讓Maria搶走了牠的食物,換Brandy再試一次,這次換Zena搶走一塊肉= =Liberty你要加油阿。
  3. 天氣好有很多志工來帶狗狗去散步,沒發生難過的事就是好日子,不過,Paolo你還是太吵了,不要一直找隔壁籠的人吵架咩。

  1. Its sunny day! Seems like Elvis and Tigers try-out will be successful.


  1. 妞妞今天被Stevie兇了,而且今天妞妞有點反常的不敢跟大家一起吃飯還把肉肉咬到髒髒的地面吃。
  2. 隔離房B房的貓咪今天又開始拉肚子,而且還拉在飯碗裡面= =,是我給的雞肉泥太多了嗎?!

  1. Stevie got angry with NiuNiu today, she didnt want to eat with her roommate and also ate food on the dirty ground.
  2. Quarantine cat has diarrhea again in the bowl maybe I serve too much chicken?


  1. LibertySponsor來探望牠,可是牠還是太害羞了,一直躲在樹叢裡不敢出來。
  2. Picklebabysitter今天除了來陪牠玩之外,還和Annie一起替牠洗了香香的澡噢!牠出去散步的狀況也越來越好,會自己過馬路了呢!
  3. Judy去公園散步的時候,路人看到牠,說:「是狗的腳踏車欸!(台語)」害我們聽了一直笑XD
  4. Charcoal洗澡的時候很乖,看起來有點害怕:P
  5. 可憐的Stevie今天去結紮了,回來之後心情鬱悶、不願意吃飯…:S
  6. MariaZena加入一號房,成為Long John牠們的新室友囉!
  7. 黃色的CNR貓咪Hank因為傷口化膿,今天留在醫院一晚。
  8. 新來一隻Moses從淡水救援的小黑狗,牠之前被人虐待打到前腳骨折L不過現在看起來身體復元得還不錯,很活潑親人喔!

  1. Libertys sponsor cane to see him, but hes still too shy hiding in the bush.
  2. Pickles sitter came to see him and gave him a bathJHes willing to cross the road now, its a big step!
  3. Judy went for a walk today, people saw her wheelchair and said oh, look! Its dogs bicycle! Oh my
  4. Charcoal behave good when having a bath, but looked a little scared.
  5. Stevie felt unhappy when he came back from the neuter operation. He refused to eat.
  6. Maria and Zena are the new comers in room 1 now.
  7. CNR cat Hank got fester on his wound, so he has to stay at the vet.
  8. A new black dog from Danshui was rescued by Moses. Someone abused him to fracture, but he still likes human and recover well now.


  1. 虹君最近開始訓練SnowballIvory以及Ebony和別的狗狗們一樣、吃飯時要被鍊子拴好才能吃,幾天下來牠們終於比較習慣了,Ebony也很乖不再掙扎J
  2. 今天Mustard腸胃不太舒服,病懨懨地吃不下飯。虹君幫牠按摩肚子之後才勉強吃完後來就讓牠回房間休息,還請牠的好朋友Sister陪伴牠:P
  3. 貓咪Jackson好可愛,喜歡跟人撒嬌討人摸,志工芃諭和牠初次相見就喜歡上牠了

  1. Hung Jung started training Snowball, Ivory and Ebony to be like other dogs- chain up before they eat. They finally get used to it.
  2. Mustard felt bad on his stomach today, bad appetite. Hung Jung gave him some massage and let him rest with Sister earlier.
  3. Jackson the cat is really cute! He likes to be spoiled. Our Volunteer Pong Yu loved him at the first sight!


  1. Mustard恢復健康!早上精神超好的,還一直跟隔壁的Pat吵架:P下午請志工海秋帶牠出去散步,相信牠一定很開心!
  2. 最近Vienna都不願意出去散步,於是今天虹君請志工Sarah特別輔導牠:P起初牠還是一樣不肯走,後來Sarah很有耐心鼓勵牠,才終於慢慢地走到公園去。
  3. SarahUni洗了香香的澡喔!天氣熱,洗個澡好舒服J
  4. Ebony終於不再害羞,願意停下來讓虹君輕輕地摸牠下巴了!

  1. Mustards getting betterHes very energetic this morning, and argued with his neighbor Pat:P. In the afternoon, volunteer海秋took him for a walk, bet he had a lot of fun
  2. Recently Vienna wasnt willing go out for a walk, so today虹君ask volunteer Sarah especially guide her:P. At first she still wouldnt go out, after Sarah encouraged her patiently, she finally walked to the park.
  3. Sarah took a bath for UniIts really nice to have a bath in this hot weatherJ
  4. Ebony stop being shy and willing to let 虹君stroked her jaw softly


  1. 星期日從淡水回來的小黑狗取名為Juno,興趣是把剛鋪好的報紙撕碎,讓虹君很頭痛:S所以今天打掃的時候虹君就準備了牛奶骨讓牠咬可是牠還是比較喜歡報紙。
  2. 志工芃諭今天又來幫忙,還挑了OreoJudyNicky當她的baby喔!

  1. The small black dog came back from淡水on Sunday has named Juno, he likes to tear the newspaper into pieces, 虹君really hade a headache about that:S. So today 虹君gave him a chewing bone when cleaningbut he still likes the newspaper better.
  2. Volunteer 芃諭came today, and picked Oreo, Judy, Nicky to be her baby


  1. 可愛的May從隔離房出來囉!牠現在跟Shoey牠們住在一起,希望大家會喜歡牠:P
  2. 下巴骨折的貓咪Hank從醫院回來囉!看起來精神好很多,一直喵喵叫著跟人撒嬌J
  3. 淡水的黃太太今天來看JunoZena,還帶了幾隻狗狗出去散步喔!
  4. 下午接近五點、志工要蹓狗的時候Wendel闖出來和Toby打成一團,牠狠狠地咬住Toby的耳朵(上次被Da Hei咬傷才剛好的那隻)不放。虹君和Brandy在勸架的時候也遭受波及、紛紛掛彩總之一天又精采地結束了!!

  1. Lovely May came out from the quarantine roomShe now lives with Shoey and the guys, hope theyll like her:P
  2. The cat who had a broken jaw Hank has came back from the hospitalLooked more lively and keep meowing and wanted to be spoiled.
  3. Mrs. Huang from Danshui came to see Juno and Zena today and took some dogs out for a walk
  4. In the afternoon about five when the volunteers were ready to walk the dogs, Wendel rushed out and fight with Toby, he bit Tobys ear roughly(the ear which just recovered from Da Heis attack). Hung Jung and Brandy were injured when trying to separated themanyway, another splendid end of a day


  1. 一早放狗狗出房間的時候,暫時將Pat放在Uni的籠子,跟隔壁相連的那面圍欄有點塌下來,Pat翻牆到隔壁偷吃東西,還差點回不了家。
  2. 下午快下班的時候結紮完的Ebony &Ivory回到AT,第一次跟Snowball分開那麼久,牠們看到Snowball的時候好開心呢。

  1. At the time we let the dogs out, we found out that Pat went across the fence to our neighborhood and ate something XD, he could hardly came back.
  2. Ebony & Ivory came back from the vet (for the neuter operation). They were so happy to see Snowball again!


  1. 今天May的拾獲人來看牠,May很開心得出去散步呢。
  2. 今天來了好多媒體,希望藉由崁頂社區捕獸夾事件能帶給社會大眾巨大衝擊教育。
  3. 午後的天氣天暗的很快,於是提早4點半就將狗狗趕回3號房,還好有來的急,大概5點的時候開始下雨了,到了5點40去倒垃圾的時候雨下到像颱風一樣。雨好大,垃圾車遲到了,一個人傻站在路中間拖著一板車的垃圾。

  1. The person who found May came to see her and took her for a walk.
  2. Many press came to report the trap news in 坎頂 society. We hope this news can teach public how dangerous it is!
  3. Its always dark and thunder storm in summer Taiwan, so we let dogs back to there room at 16:30. Suddenly it rained at 17:00, it was windy and rained cats and dogs!The garbage car was late, staff stood out side the house looked very poor :(


  1. 今天Alice20隻狗狗清了耳朵喔!感謝Alice:D
  2. 下午陽明醫院的翁醫師來AT探望Caramel,順便檢查了牠屁股上的舊傷。

  1. Alice cleaned 20 dogs ears! Good job, Alice!
  2. Ms. Wong from Yang Ming vet came to see Caramel and checked her old wound on her butt.


  1. 今天新進一隻從中和救援的狗狗Phoenix牠的身體側面有大片擦傷,看起來好痛噢L希望牠的傷勢能快點復原!
  2. Brandy昨天晚上在馬路上救了一隻差點被車撞傷的白色狗狗Chelsea,牠全身毛茸茸的很可愛喔J
  3. 下午下起了大雨,全部的狗狗都提早回房間了
  4. Pat拉肚子還有血便,整個早上都病懨懨的。Brandy帶牠去看醫生,回來吃了藥之後下午就變得有精神許多!
  5. 貓咪Hank腰側傷口的縫線裂開了,今天又醫院重新縫合

  1. A new dog came from Zhonghe named Phoenix. He has a big range of scrape on his body, hope he can recover very soon!
  2. Brandy saved a little white dog Chelsea from the road. Shes furry and cute, couldnt image that she was about to have the car accident
  3. A thunderstorm suddenly happened, so back to room earlier
  4. Pat got diarrhea and blood in droppings, he felt bad this morning.He felt better after Brandy took him to the vet and gave him some medicine.
  5. Hanks waist wound split open so he went back to the vetL


  1. May昨晚被室友們攻擊,屁股上被咬了好多小洞好可憐噢L今天下午虹君把牠換到JudySnowball的房間,希望牠們會喜歡可愛的May
  2. Nico的傷口情況越來越好,換藥的時候不再愛哭了喔!
  3. 下午Juno拉肚子明天繼續觀察,希望只是一時消化不良:S

  1. May got attacked from her roommates, left some little holes on her buttpoor May. Hung Jung changed her to Snowballs room, hope it will be better.
  2. Nicos wound is getting better, hurray!!
  3. Juno got diarrhea this afternoon, probably is the digest problem. Anyway, we will observe carefully. .

  1. Lilian選了害羞的Ivory、當牠的doggy sitter喔!
  2. Juno今天身體狀況很好,一直在房間裡跑來跑去的和報紙玩遊戲:P
  3. 貓咪Hank從醫院回來囉!
  4. 下午虹君幫Phoenix噴藥的時候,牠因為傷口會痛,結果就生氣了:P後來虹君拿零食獎勵牠,牠才又露出乖乖的表情!

  1. Lilian choose the shy girl Ivory to be her sitter!
  2. Juno felt better today, kept running and torched paper in his room.
  3. Hank went back from the vet! yeah!
  4. Phoenix got mad when Hung Jung wanted to spray the medicine to her. After Hung Jung gave her some snacks she turned happy, haha!


  1. 今天Picklesitter又來看牠囉!她說「用零食收買Pickle」這招超有效的,現在Pickle已經肯讓人摸頭了喔:P
  2. 下午志工要牽Xiao Lu散步的時候,Molly又像平常一樣硬是從門縫擠出去、弄得狗狗們鬧哄哄地於是虹君狠狠地罵了牠一頓,結果牠就心情不好,躲回狗屋裡生悶氣L
  3. 下午虹君幫Nanook梳毛。在梳胸口的毛的時候,牠舒服到眼睛都瞇起來了:P
  4. 每次在幫Coffee清潔眼睛的時候,Janet都會湊過來舔舔牠的臉。牠們倆感情真好!
  5. 天氣超級熱!大家都懶洋洋的不想動…:P

  1. Pickles sitter came to see him! She found out that Pickle is easy to surrender by snacks. Now Pickle let us to touch his head now!What a big step!
  2. Molly ran out when volunteer tried to take Xiao Lu for walk, Hung Jung punished her and it worked, she went back sadlyL
  3. Hung Jung comb Nanook this afternoon, it was so comfortable that Nanook almost felt asleep. ;P
  4. Every time we clean Coffees eye, Janet comes and lick him, wondered if shes curious or they have good relationship.
  5. It was a HOT dayEveryone felt lazy and out of energy.


  1. 小喵帶著她的朋友一起來AT參觀,還幫狗狗拍了好多照片,好期待她回傳給我們看這些狗狗的照片呢。
  2. Juno今天去醫院打晶片跟預防針,本來準備好斷食要結紮,醫師那裏可能空間不足,決定延期到下星期一再結紮嚕。
  3. 除了一早的太陽熱得讓人有些受不了,下午的天氣有點陰,吹著稍帶濕氣的涼風,這樣宜人的天氣,狗狗今日的活力精神真的是堪稱200分阿!!

  1. 小喵took her friends to visit AT and took lots of pics for dogs, looking forward for her pics.
  2. Juno went to vet for having chip and vaccine. He was going to have neuter operation but the vet has no room for him, so he must wait till Monday.
  3. Beside the HOT weather in the morning, the weather in the afternoon was a little cloudy and have humid breeze. In this kind if weather, dogs were very lively today


  1. 下午志工來了很多,芃諭,慧玲跟敬堯與他的同學,大家一起幫狗狗清耳朵,大家幫L.J Puppet Ricky的房間都做了完整的清耳朵呢。
  2. Lilian今天將Zena放出籠跟妞妞一起玩耍,妞妞很開心的跳來跳去的呢。

  1. Lots of volunteers came this afternoon, 芃諭,慧玲,敬堯and his friend cleaned the L.J, Puppet and Rickys rooms dogs ears.
  2. Today Lilian let Zena out to play with 妞妞, she was very happy


  1. 今天Annie和芃諭一起幫Franky那間的狗狗洗了澡喔!Mushroom的捲毛經過梳洗整理之後變得超可愛的!
  2. 下午有一個家庭來尋找適合的狗狗當寵物。他們想要十公斤左右、個性穩定又親人的狗狗,於是我們推薦了可愛的Ricky!散步回來後那個家庭的小男孩很喜歡牠,說要回去考慮一下認養的事情。希望Ricky能被選上、成為他們家的狗狗!

  1. Today Annie and 芃諭 took bath for Frankys roommates Mushrooms curl fur was very cute after cleaning
  2. In the afternoon a family came to find a nice dog for pet. They wanted a about 10 kg, lovely and friendly dog, so we recommended the lovely RickyAfter taking him for a walk, the boy really like him and want to considered about adopted him. Finger cross


  1. 今天天氣不錯,可是都沒有人來帶狗狗出去散步:S
  2. MariaHawkins太胖了,被列入減肥名單:S
  3. 眼睛受傷的貓咪Mouthy終於結束隔離期,開始進入貓舍和大家一起生活囉!目前牠是裡面唯一的女生呢:P
  4. Phoenix身上的擦傷慢慢變好了,可是今天噴藥的時候牠又生氣、把虹君的手咬破了兩個小洞:S

  1. Nice weather today, but no one came to take the dogs out:S
  2. Maria and Hawkins were too fat, they have to go on a diet.
  3. The eye-injured cat Mouthy had out from the quarantine room and start to live with the other catsShes the only girl in the cats room:P
  4. Scrapes on Phoenix was getting better, but today she bit 虹君 when medication.


  1. 下午志工Clair幫忙打掃隔離房。Phoenix看到陌生人有一點害羞、JunoChelsea則是很開心地一直想跟新朋友玩:P
  2. 妞妞學會從門閂上的洞口鑽出Bamboo garden!後腳沒有力氣還那麼頑皮到處爬真讓人傷腦筋:P

  1. Clair helped to clean the quarantine room this afternoon. Phoenix was a little shy when see the stranger. Juno and Chelsea was happy to have a new friend:P
  2. 妞妞learned to squeezed out the hole on the door from Bamboo garden with her ill back legs


  1. Ebony越來越親人了,今天牠乖乖趴著讓虹君摸頭喔!不過還是有一點害羞,都不敢看人:P
  2. Snowball每次都帶頭搗蛋、亂咬東西,IvoryEbony兩個愛玩的小狗跟他感情超好!
  3. Nico的腳傷越來越好,傷口上的肉也長出來了喔:D

  1. Ebony was more and more friendly, she let 虹君 stroked her head todaybut still a little shy.
  2. Snowball is a gangs leader, Ivory and Ebony were his best playmates
  3. Nicos wound was getting better


  1. 因為原本的房間太擁擠了,所以虹君把May換到Xiao Lu的房間去了。Janet一直對她很有興趣,很想跟她做朋友喔!
  2. 下午天氣不好,天空烏雲密布,所以狗狗們提早回房間去:S

  1. Cause the original room were too crowd, so 虹君moved May to Xiao Lus room. Janet had a lot of interest on her and want to be her friend
  2. The weather in the afternoon was cloudy, so the dogs came back to the room early.


  1. JunoChelsea今天從醫院回來嚕,原本Chelsea要開始進入籠內過群體生活,不過因為她太害羞了,今天的時間不夠他適應,所以明天再努力看看吧。
  2. 旁邊高爾夫球場救回的大腿骨骨折小黃狗,被醫師叮嚀不可以動作太大,這幾天他只能待在休息室的運輸籠內嚕。
  3. 今天Marie帶著她的Lucky來尋找第二個有緣孩子,經過一天的互動,Marie決定Foster Posh,不過感覺上領養的機會很大喔Posh加油^^

  1. Juno and Chelsea came back from the vet today. Chelsea was too shy to get along with the group, so well try again tomorrow
  2. The broken-bone, little yellow dog rescued from the golf court next to, the vet said that he couldn’t move too much, so he had to stay in the cage in the staff room for these days.
  3. Marie took her Lucky to find another dog today. After interaction, she decided to foster Posh. Cross finger


  1. 今天是開心的好日子,Tiger正式被領養了,可愛的Tiger還回來看我們呢。
  2. DavidQueenie回去tryout,希望可以幸福的生活在一起喔。
  3. 中午小惠跟慧玲在Bamboo garden圍捕Liberty,過程中發現Liberty在戶外還會越來越膽小應該是Stevie會一直攻擊Liberty。成功捕捉後希望Liberty會越來越好。

  1. Its a lovely day, Tiger had been adopted and came back to visit us.
  2. David took Queenie to tryout, hope theyll be happy.
  3. 小惠and慧玲catch Liberty in the Bamboo garden, they found out that Liberty get more fearful when hes outdoor. Maybe its because Stevie kept attacking him. Hope hell get better.


  1. 今天SASA回來AT,因為foster她的小姐暑假要出國.
  2. 今天CHELSEA踩到自己的便便,所以牠的房間變好臭. 牠的室友LIBERTY躲在一邊不想靠CHELSEA太近.
  3. 芃諭也到LIBERTY的房間陪了牠很久. 希望LIBERTY能變的親人一點,才能快點找到好主人.
  4. NICO在清傷口的時候,剛開始很掙扎,等到牠發現真的不會痛的時候,就安靜下來,變得很乖. 牠真的超愛吃零食的.
  5. 今天WHITEY在籠子裡面表現的很乖, 又猛對訪客笑, 所以訪客要回家之前,還指定想要助養WHITEY.
  6. 新來的骨折的小黃狗狗, RITA給牠取名叫阿丹, 因為覺得牠很活潑,以後應該是一隻小淘氣,所以就以卡通淘氣阿丹為牠命名. 阿丹今天有去屋頂走走,牠一直忍著便便,直到到了屋頂,一下地上,就趕快去便便. 因為牠的籠子非常小,所以一天要帶牠去屋頂走走,至少三次. 但是因為牠的骨折才剛開完刀,所以不可以走太多.

  1. SASA came back today cause the lady who foster her was going abroad.
  2. Chelsea step on her own poop and her room got smelly. Her roommate Liberty wouldnt come close to her.
  3. 芃諭came to Libertys room to stay with him. Hope hell become friendlier.
  4. Nico wasnt willing to cooperate when cleaning her wound, but when she found out that wouldnt hurt at all she became very nice. She really likes the snacks.
  5. Today Whitey was really good in the cage and to the visitor, and the visitor assigned to sponsored him.
  6. Rita named the new broken-bone, little yellow dog 阿丹, cause hes always lively and surely will be a little trouble maker, so named him after the cartoon character. He walked on the roof today and poop. Cause his cage is very small, so must take him to the roof at least three times a day, but he hade a broken bone so must not walk too much.


  1. 今天志工ThiaNiu NiuChelsea洗了澡
  2. 下午Nicky又和Nanook吵架,所以虹君就把Nicky換到Shoey那間了剛開始她有點緊張,但後來就變好很多,希望大家喜歡她J
  3. LibertyChelsea住在一起之後變得比較開朗了喔!

  1. Thia took bath for Niu Niu and Chelsea today
  2. Nicky fought with Nanook this afternoon, so 虹君 move her to Shoeys roomat first she was a little nervous but soon get better. Hope theyll like herJ
  3. Liberty got more friendlier after live with Chelsea


  1. Phoenix的傷口幾乎都癒合、長出新的皮膚了喔:D
  2. Niu Niu每次趁隙鑽出Bamboo Garden時候都跑得超快,害怕我們追上她:P

  1. Phoenixs wound was almost recovered and have new skin now:D
  2. Niu Niu runs really fast every time she squeezed out of the Bamboo Garden, afraid that we might caught her:P

